This ISO image is a normal Windows 7 Ultimate installer, with nothing missing or added, other than all the official updates from Microsoft since October 2009, up until June 2015, including Service Pack 1. This ISO requires that a person has their own license for Windows 7 Ultimate, and that they enter it during the installation process, as is normally done.

Here is a clean ISO image of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, which is fully-updated with SP1 and all other Windows 7 updates, up to June 2015. No Windows 7 key, license, or pre-activation is provided with this download. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 (updated to June 2015): !45cDnbST!VtW4T101EMF_jnHpzrZYLQ June 2015-updated Windows 7 Ultimate 64 ISO download link A license for Windows 7 Ultimate can be bought from eBay or reddit and other places for very cheap, less than $10 or even less than $5. To install Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit using the provided June 2015-updated ISO, you'll have to have your own license key to use during the installation process. Towards the bottom of this post is an archive containing all security-only updates released from October 2016 - October 2017. In this post is a link for a fully-updated June 2015 ISO of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 that pre-dates that telemetry back-adding by Microsoft, as well as resources for creating your own custom Windows 7 installer ISO that only has the updates that you wish to have.

During summer 2015, Microsoft started heavily back-adding telemetry to Windows 7 via various updates.